Sunday, 1 September 2013

More Shearwaters - August 2013

Although we're 5 days late in reporting this sighting it tallies with that reported on 20th August...  On 27th huge numbers of Manx Shearwaters were off the coast from Emmanuel Head, Holy Island. Initially a flock of  c100 were noted, 6 or 7 flew south soon followed by the whole flock. However, another flock c150 birds, further out to sea, was spied in the ultra calm conditions.

In addition, if wondering where all the Eiders have gone, a flock of 600 ( many in eclipse) were off the North Shore of Holy Island on the same day with up to 359 near Guille Point on the following day.

Fair numbers of a selection of waders * were easily seen at Coves Bay and 9 Goosanders were at sea or on nearby rocks at Sandhaven Bay ( yes, Goosanders!) - E.N.E. Holy Island - on the same date.
(* Oystercatcher, B-t Godwit, Redshank, Turnstone & Knot).

1 comment:

  1. We were at Stag Rock today(1st) and there was still a large passage of seabirds, we counted 54 Manx Shearwater,2 Sooty Shearwaters and 1 Balearic Shearwater also 4 Arctic Skuas and a couple of Roseate Terns
