Thursday, 22 January 2015

Spring is in the air!

After a spell of freezing weather,today looked more hopeful so three of us set off for Twizel.
Leaving the car at Twizel Bridge car park and heading up through the woodland we immediately heard  the drumming of a Greater Spotted Woodpecker in the distance ,followed by the unmistakeable call of a Nuthatch.
Several Tree Creepers were also spotted in this old deciduous piece of woodland.Reaching the top of the hill we then flushed a Woodcock -the spot of the day!
The woodland was teeming with Blue Tits,Great Tits,Coal Tits and Long Tailed Tits ,and Chaffinch all of which were surprisingly vocal.A Greenfinch was also heard wheezing by a nearby house.
On the river,Cormorant,Mute Swans,Mallard,Grey Heron and a large number of Goosander were seen.
The warmth of the sun,the patches of Snowdrops,the singing birds plus the sight of several Roe Deer bounding through the trees were  enough to lift the spirits-Spring is on the way!

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